Special Rates for Specialized Coaching
Personal & Professional Empowerment
This covers a T-Shirt, an E-Book and 2 Free Coachings. You will receive a ML1 badge to post on your social media. This allows us to gain more exposure from your following but to also let people know that you are a part of our growing organization, and that you really are more than a beat face because you are actually investing in bettering yourself getting that much closer to your goals. 2 Coaching sessions are free so that you know the value of what you are getting going forward.
Requirements: You must also fill out a questionnaire so that we know best how to assist you.
This covers a T=shirt, an E=book and 6 Free Coachings. You will receive a ML2 badge to post on your social media. This allow s us to gain more exposure from your following but to also let people know that you are a part of our growing organization, and that you really are more than a beat face because you are actually investing in bettering yourself not only getting you closer to your goals but moving you closer to Ambassador. We will allow you send us content of you to post on our Instagram pages and Facebook Pages, giving you more exposure. You receive a discount on vendors table.
Requirements: You must also fill out a questionnaire so that we know best how to assist you. You must also attend 1 workshop.
Silver or Gold Badge
This covers a T-Shirt, an E-Book and 12 Free Coachings. You will receive a ML3 badge to post on your social media. This allows us to gain more exposure from your following but to also let people know that you are a part of our growing organization, and that you really are more than a beat face because you are actually investing in bettering yourself. This level puts you closer to your goal of becoming an Ambassador. We allow you to send us content of you to post on our Instagram pages with a link to your website/social media. You also get to be a vendor to sell your products/services at any of our events for on $25. (Silver)
Gold - You become eligible for scholarships. Your social media and web content will be examined and if it lines up with our Brand 's culture, you achvee ML3 -Gold.
Requirements: You must fill out a questionnaire so that we will know how best to assist you. You must attend 2-3 workshops and volunteer at one of them.
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Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.
Name, Title
Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.
Name, Title
Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.